ALOT (Architectural Laboratory of Thought) was founded by Haipng (Heffrence) Teow in 2019 as a design thinktank and research platform expanding upon architecture and its interaction with the world around us. In the spirit of ALOT, we recognize ourselves as individual of a lot: that we play a bigger role as someone of capabilities to bring about a change, to create influence and to harness that potential of creativity and intellectual thinking for making a better living environment. By putting strong emphasis on spatial narrativity as mean of encouraging stronger relationship between occupants and spaces, ALOT aims to explore and to experiment the possibilities of our living environment with unlimited imaginations, after all, we are a laboratory of thought.

Hai-png Teow ( 张 海 鹏 )
Heffrence is an architectural designer born and grew up in Malaysia. Presently based in Singapore, his creative works are not limiting to architecture but looking at the design industry as a whole.
Heffrence's interest in architecture lies greatly in architectural narratives and transdisciplinary studies, believing that everyday objects and events around us influence the way we perceive and interact with space. By drawing upon this relationship and cherishing metaphor, imagery, fiction, poetic and emotion, he strives to create meaningful space that resonates with the users. With further emphasize on sustainability and public centric design approach, he formed a unique set of strategies that seek to celebrate local context and culture with new urban intervention through an integrated emotional placemaking.
"Every project has a story.
Every project has A LOT to tell."